Alaniz Law & Associates, PLLC

Employment Lawyer Publications

We are Employment Lawyers and Labor Law Attorneys. We do one thing and we do it well. We only practice labor and employment law. Our experienced attorneys are prolific writers on labor and employment law and conduct frequent seminars to client companies and trade associations across the country. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to receive the latest publications related to labor and employment law.

There are basically two types of employment lawyer. One type focuses on plaintiffs or employees—sometimes referred to as an employment discrimination attorney, employment rights attorney or federal employment attorney—and the other focuses on defendants or employers—also known as management attorneys.

As a rule, an employment lawyer or attorney either focuses on one side or the other, but there are some employment lawyers or attorneys who will take clients from either side.

Employment Lawyer Publications #1 Best Employment Lawyers

Employment Lawyer Publications

Unions at The Crossroads

Unions at The Crossroads

Unions’ continued relevance in today’s workplace is in crisis. Their very existence is at stake. Their only option for survival is to increase their numbers through successful organizing.

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A New Year’s Policy Review

A New Year’s Policy Review

The start of a new year is a traditional time for employers to review their workplace policies to ensure the policies comply with federal, state, and local requirements, both old and new.

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The Post-Pandemic Workplace

The Post-Pandemic Workplace

The reopening of America’s workplaces is creating a variety of challenges for employees and employers alike. In some cases, employers attempting to resume operations are hampered, and in some instances unable to do so due to laid off employees’ reluctance or refusal to return to work.

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Religion and the Workplace

Religion and the Workplace

It is difficult to deny that there has been an ever-increasing secularization of our society. Despite this significant trend, employers today are still being confronted with issues related to their employees’ religious beliefs.

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Employee Leave Laws

Employee Leave Laws

The passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in 1993 marked the beginning of mandatory leave in American workplaces. Prior to that whether leave for any purpose was granted to an employee…

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OSHA Inspections: What to Expect

OSHA Inspections: What to Expect

In 2019, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has continued to operate much as it did in 2018 and under the prior administration. Inspection data shows that the agency is operating in a manner similar to that of the last two years of the Obama administration.

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How To Improve Workplace Safety

How To Improve Workplace Safety

Workplace safety is critical. Every worker deserves to work in a job where their safety is the top priority even if all dangers cannot possibly be eliminated. Workplace injuries are, unfortunately, too common. For the office workers in Scranton, PA their safety, and let’s be honest…

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